Jeremy Irons Interview with Paris Huitieme du Mairie 8

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What does Champs Elysees evoke?

Jeremy Irons: Les Champs-Elysees, this mythical place where we all dream to go! I always chose hotels near Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris for my vacations I like  itswide sidewalks, its auto showrooms, Fnac, and of course, its cinemas. There are also those small restaurants in the adjacent streets where you can lunch or enjoy quiet caviar. I remember a meeting with Claude Lelouch in his office above one of the cinemas. His office was filled with old cameras. Finally, although the avenue is often too full of tourists, my favorite pastime is to settle down in a café and watch the world go incognito.

Why did you agree to be President the fourth edition of Champs-Elysées Film Festival?

JI: “My wife and I have always loved to come to Paris and we love to see movies. So why deny an opportunity to combine the two?

What do you mean by the expression “Independent“?

JI: “For me, the” independent phrase speaks for itself. Neither producers nor committee team of writers, and no pressure from the studios to complete a project. Just a group of filmmakers who tries to tell his story in his own way. My experiences acting have always been happier when I was working on this kind of films.

Mairie du 8 Magazine

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